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A message from the Principal

Deacon Wailes Rangsa

The College of Christian Theology Bangladesh (CCTB) was established in 1968 and exists to equip and empower God’s people in Bangladesh. It is an interdenominational Bible College where at present 28 Denominations, Mission Agencies and Christian NGOs are affiliated to equip servant leaders and scholar saints. At present, there are more than 7,000 students being trained through CCTB’s different level programmes, mainly through Theological Education by Extension (TEE). Also more than 1,000 graduates of different levels are actively engaged in Kingdom agenda. We are proud to say that more than 60 evangelical and ecumenical churches in Bangladesh are directly and indirectly served by our graduates and current students.
Our programs are especially designed for you. We do welcome you to visit our beautiful campus, and explore the study environment and also explore the opportunities to serve the Lord in Bangladesh.

Deacon Wailes Rangsa – Principal


“Commitment to biblical truth that is applied individually and as a communities”

(Spiritual formation, engagement with contemporary issues, applied theological learning and research)

“Unity in diversity in the body of Christ”

“Evangelistic proclamation and social transformation”

(Servant leadership, stewardship of God’s resources, engagement with contextual theology)

“Accessible  excellent education”


“People brought to faith, growing together in Christ-likeness, serving their communities in Bangladesh, so that lives and communities are restored and God’s Kingdom is established.”


…equipping men and women through theological training, mentoring, and practical ministry to be servant leaders and scholar saints acting as salt and light among their communities.

“Equipping Servant Leaders and Scholar Saints”

(Eph 4:12-13)

What graduates say

I am graduate of CCTB having begun my theological studies while a university student. I was able to study the Bible in my home using CCTB’s TEE books. Now as a Baptist church leader, I want to see more of our people studying by TEE. If we can train ordinary church members to be skilled in using God’s word, then we will bring new life into our churches.”

Rev Ashim Baroy

Jyoti Ratna

Many Christian women would like to attend a residential seminary but we are tied to the house because of our culture. So TEE is very effective for us because the seminary comes to us into our homes through the TEE book. We also teach our children as we study the Bible. It is vital for us women to have good Bible teaching. TEE is excellent for this.

Jyoti Ratna
TEE Tutor

“I have 60 students in 10 groups all over Bangladesh; I really enjoy teaching them because as I teach I also Learn from the CCTB work books. I praise God for the CCTB because they have helped me get a firm grasp on God’s word, while allowing me to stay in my workplace. I was able to study the bible in my own home and at my own pace. I could continue to do my work as an evangelist at the same time.”

Simon Mondal
BTh, CCTB Trainer for Nazarene Church